Monday, May 29, 2006

We have recently been handed a truckload of beautiful photographs from our friend Malia James who spent a few days with us while we were on our UK tour with Giant Drag. We thought, as a band, collectively, that you might like to see them, atleast for art's sake, if not for FB's.. So here are a few, and if they speak to you, check out and see what else she's done 'cuz it's all splendid. -FB.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Why yes- we've finally made it back to the states. Although the So. Cal sun shines bright, we must admit that we do miss our beloved Dear Olde Blighty....Many thanks to our friends, W.A.S. and Giant Drag, the tour was 'Ace', we can't wait to return... A new friend, whom we met at the Portsmouth Pyramids, send us this lovely photo collage of her autographed hand so we'll nvr 4gt!!! p.s.: 3 new shows added, California and Arizona!