Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Come one, come all, come on and come hither! Listen to "It Wasn't Said to Ask"- another rare artifact from the systematically recorded and analyzed collection of beauteous remains, entitled "On the Wing Now" yet to be put on permanent public display within our shared museum of the social, political and economic.
What is culture?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

February is coming up! and Foreign Born are attacking Los Angeles with a small avalanche of shows, including two dates of the Grizzly Bear/Papercuts tour!
We are also going to be playing mid-month on KXLU.. So keep your antennas pointed toward the west hollywood sky!
Below is a collage we made from some of our touring last year
featuring: a stunning picture of our drummer Garrett asleep in the backseat of our mini-van whilst driving around Scotland; Matt on the rocky shore of Portsmouth, UK; Ariel trapsing through the greenery of an English park, and Lewis dowsed in the red light of a guitar solo - all set among the mountains captured from our American tours.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Watch two songs captured in real life and real time from last weekend's Plug Awards Party (held in a very cold warehouse):
It Wasn't Said to Ask
The Nights Tall

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Happy New Year & good tidings to you! Thanks to everybody who came down to our first show of 2007 CE, year of the Pig, Jewish year 5769, Islamic year 1427- however yous keep track... Yes, 'twas a very good time indeed and thanks be to the Plug Awards and, amongst others, for their sponsorship.
A little glimpse as to what went down: