Saturday, May 16, 2009

FB will be embarking on a short Northwest adventure next week:

5/22 @ The Independent w/ BLK JKS San Francisco
5/24 @ Alladin Theater w/ GRIZZLY BEAR Portland, OR
5/25 @ Chop Suey Seattle, WA
5/26 @ Commodore w/ GRIZZLY BEAR Vancouver, BC


Katie said...

The new music sounded great @ Chop Suey last night! Sorry Seattle didn't represent. Can't wait to see you back here this summer.

SkinlessChicken said...

Are those your first live performances?

Also, if you read this, I was the kid waiting for you to sign my album at the Alladin Theater when you played there! (I was wearing a brown buttoned up shirt)

I just got your new album, and it's incredible.

It was a mind blowing show, and I hope to see you guys live again!


Fateh Singh (Digital Marketer) said...

Thanks for post. It’s really informative stuff.
I really like to read.Hope to learn a lot and have a nice experience here! my best regards guys!
seo jaipur--seo jaipur